About Thinkheaven
Lessons and tools, spit and mud
to help us see the world through God's Eyes.

Thinkheaven is about liv­ing out God’s Com­mand that we med­i­tate and feast on His Word. Whether you are eru­dite or unschooled, we want to help you learn how to wield God’s Word. This is pos­si­ble, not because we have some secret method, but because, as a believ­er, you have The Holy Spirit and Jesus Sent Him to Guide you into all truth.

There­fore, we do not just sell you devo­tion­als. No. Instead, we will teach you how to devote every word, every thought and every deed to Him. We want to help you trans­form your life into a devo­tion­al. And not just you. Whether you are a father try­ing to lead his fam­ily or a pas­tor min­is­ter­ing to his peo­ple, you will be equipped to faith­fully read His Word and apply it to every cir­cum­stance in your life.

So join us as we use God’s Word to read God’s Word and take pos­ses­sion of our inher­i­tance in Jesus Christ. “His divine power has granted to us all things that per­tain to life and god­li­ness, through the knowl­edge of Him Who Called us to His own Glory and Excel­lence.”

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
- Colossians 2:3

Wanna reach out and ask me some ques­tions? Or do you want clar­i­fi­ca­tion on some­thing writ­ten here? If so, write me a let­ter. I’d love to hear from you and I’ll respond. I bet your hon­est ques­tion will pro­duce insights that will ben­e­fit other read­ers.